Everyone wants to be their own person. Even if they're following the crowd. In the 1930's woman were coming out of their shells, cutting their hair, and wearing short dresses. But, most importantly, becoming independent. Curley's wife in John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men, a historical fiction novel, was just one of many woman who strives for fame, fortune, and fabulous living.
Curley's wife is one to be noticed strutting herself around the men. Curley's wife always looks her best with "tiny little sausage" curls and always looks "purty" with a "sweet and young" look to her. How could any man resist her?- Exactly why she flaunted her haughty-self in front of all the men. To get the attention she deserved and longed for.
Instead of staying "the --- home where she belongs", Curley's wife is independent. Doing things and going places that she wants. Curley is always asking "too often" where she went. Why does Curley expect to have the guys look out for her? Isn't that his job?- Yes, buy she is an independent woman and shouldn't be treated as property. Insecurity happened from many years of being treated as property. Being the only woman at the camp she didn't have anyone to talk to or suppress her feelings to. And, being next to the lowest in the social view at the camp didn't help either. She took it out on people who are under her own social being was the only way she could possibly get back. When all the other guys are our and she's left alone or "talkin' to a bunch of bindle stiffs- a nigger an' a dum-dum and a lousy ol' sheep." Crooks being the "nigger", she could have him "strung up on a tree so easy it ain't even funny." Being a black man in the 1930's gave Crook's no authority over even a white woman. Making him the only person she could overpower to the most.
Everyone wants to be their own person. Especially, woman of the 1930's. Who are just trying to gain equal rights. Wanting attention and having big dreams is all apart of life. Insecurity is something that shouldn't get in the way. Depending on one person shouldn't change what your dreams' destiny is. It's all a matter of determination and hard work getting your hopes and dreams made and making them worth while.
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